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Tessa's book "Zien en Gezien Worden" by Tessa Schiethart delves into the themes of visibility, self-acceptance, and body positivity. Schiethart, who was born with a visible birthmark on her face, reflects on her personal experiences of navigating life with an "unusual" appearance. She offers insights into embracing one's physical uniqueness and how society views differences. The book is both a memoir and a guide, providing readers with tools for compassionate self-acceptance and cultivating a healthy relationship with their bodies.

Schiethart also discusses the emotional and psychological aspects of visibility and the societal pressures around beauty standards. She combines her personal story with a broader message of diversity and acceptance, making the book a source of empowerment for individuals who feel "seen" in ways they might not choose, due to their appearance or other factors.

Tessa is a somatic therapist, relational mentor and writer. She both studies, researches and writes on the topics of bodyism, lookism, women's diversity studies, on beauty, perception, visibility and our overall deepening in relating to Life. Her first books tells the story of her own personal and vulnerable living within the paradox of seeing and being seeing through her experiences with diminished eyesight and a visible heart-shaped port wine stain birthmark in her face. She currently works on her second book. 



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